Tailored Desserts
Tailored Desserts serves as a vital extension to any full scale professional kitchen that cooks great food for its customers. We understand that top chefs are looking for quality pastries products that are unique and up to date. With that in mind, Tailored Desserts produces fresh and innovative desserts with the highest quality ingredients available. Our bakery uses natural ingredients with no preservatives; simply, flour, butter and sugar. We hand roll our bagels; sheet our own pastry dough, and make all our products from our own proven scratch recipes. Our staff are all culinary trained with highly skilled hands to fabricate delicate sweets. We emhasize first and foremost on flavor, then we focus our attention on the eye appeal of each dessert. We take extra care with the details of the finish, and presentation with the understanding that most people will initially eat with their eyes. Our goal is to assist the restauranteur in finding labor efficiencies and cost containement while planning and executing their dessert menues.
Tailored Desserts is a minority woman owned business that is an active member of the Escondido Chamber of Commerce, a member of the Council for Diversity of San Diego, and a certified MBE with the Pacific Southwest Minority Supplier Diversity Council. Our participating customers help expand business opportunities and create mutually benificial relationships between minority businesses and member corporations. This collaboration promotes economic growth in all our local communities.
Please join our growing list of satisfied customers and try a dessert that is TAILORED to you!