One piece from $10
Base Vake Prices : 6″ 8″ from $380 for 38 guests
6″ 8″ 10″ from $800 for 80 guests
6″8″10″12″ from $1300 for 130 guests the price is not inclueded sugars flowers
Mini cupcake $3 Cupcake $4 Minimum 92 Panacotta, souffle $3.5, minimum 100, porfitroles $3.5 minimum 100. Truffles $2.5 minimun 100 ,
Cake Flavors: French Vanilla. Champagne Red Velvet Spice Almond Hazeinut Dark ChocolatemWhite chocolate
Filling Flavors Apple with cinnamon Coconut Strawberry Raspberry Sour cherry Pineapple Orange
Buttercream filing: Vanilla Champagne Dark Chocolate White Chocolate Strawberry Raspberry Cream cheese Orange Lemon Lavender Cherry Rum $400 minimun Tax is not inclueded.