A Crash Course on CBD Chocolate

Chocolate is an instant mood-lifter for many, whether it be in the form of candy, cake, ice cream, cookies, or any other dessert variety. However, if you experience depression, anxiety, or even chronic pain, chocolate candies maybe even more appealing when they’re infused with CBD.

CBD has become extremely popular in the last several years and it is something that we see a lot of these days, and although it’s been around for longer than most realize, not everyone understands how it works or compares to THC, the psychoactive compound found in the marijuana plant.

So, if you’re intrigued and want to find out more about the benefits of CBD chocolates as well as a few fun ways to use CBD chocolates in your future dessert endeavors, come along with us as we take a crash course on CBD chocolates.

What is CBD?

Let’s tackle the big question first; what is CBD? CBD stands for cannabidiol and is a chemical found in the marijuana plant. Although this compound is found in marijuana, this doesn’t mean that it gets you high, because CBD doesn’t have tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the chemical that has the psychoactive effects which make the user high.

So, if it doesn’t get you high, what happens when you ingest CBD? CBD has more of a relaxing feeling without the psychoactive high behind it, meaning that it can take the edge off of a hard day without causing you to get the typical high feeling one would get if they had ingested THC. It does this by interacting with receptors in the central nervous system, having a calming effect as well as potentially serving as an anti-inflammatory. Thus, this makes it good for individuals who suffer from a range of conditions, including depression, anxiety, PTSD, and many more.

What Are CBD Chocolates?

CBD chocolates are chocolate candies that have been infused with cannabidiol. These candies are usually manufactured with the intent to help with the treatment of a host of conditions as well as just for those who want to relax after a hard day.

According to research, when CBD chocolates are ingested, once it interacts with the central nervous system receptors, anandamide levels increase. The sugar in the chocolate is thought to enhance these effects by giving nourishment to the endocannabinoid system.

Once the true benefits of CBD were realized, and it was given a green light as a legal substance, the production of various kinds of CBD products began, including CBD chocolates.

One of the reasons that chocolate and CBD work so well together is because many of the same components found in CBD are found in chocolate as well! So, because of this, the benefits of CBD chocolates can include the following:

  • Reduced risk of diabetes
  • Can protect against cardiovascular diseases
  • Can stimulate the nervous system
  • Can reduce or eliminate inflammation
  • Aid with depression, anxiety, and PTSD

What CBD Chocolates Are Right for You?

When it comes to CBD chocolates, you have to know your intent when ingesting these CBD-infused goodies. There is a growing list of CBD chocolate manufacturers that make all types of varieties of CBD chocolate candies, from full bars to boxes and bags of loose chocolate pieces.

From brand to brand and in each type of CBD chocolate, you’ll find that the package has how much CBD is contained within the entire container of candy, and by the piece.

Before starting CBD chocolates, we highly recommend speaking to a trusted physician that knows your condition and how CBD works in order to figure out what the right dose is as well as the right type of CBD chocolates for your particular condition.

Ways to Use CBD Chocolates in Your Desserts

Now that we’ve gotten past some of the most important questions about CBD chocolates, let’s get to the fun part of using them in desserts!

As a disclaimer, it should go without saying that if you intend to use CBD chocolates in your desserts that they should not be served to minors and those under 21 unless recommended and/or approved by a physician in order to help ease a medical condition.

We also want to mention that with the right ingredients, you can whip up a batch of your own CBD chocolate to use in whatever dessert you desire. By making the chocolate yourself, you can control how much CBD goes into it to achieve the desired effects.

Use to Decorate Cakes

One of the simplest ways to use CBD chocolates in deserts is to use them to decorate cakes, especially if you have chocolates in shapes like hearts. You could even grate a CBD chocolate bar to make chocolate curls to decorate a cake that way. No matter how you use them, CBD chocolates make a pretty, tasty, and intentional little addition to any kind of cake that could use a little extra something.

CBD Chocolate Brownies

Who doesn’t love brownies? Plus, with CBD chocolate, there is all the more reason to love them! Because of high temperatures destroying CBD, you’ll want to find a brownie recipe that specifically calls for CBD chocolate in order to make a nice, relaxing batch of brownies.

CBD Chocolate Bark

Without the temperature reaching over 350 degrees Fahrenheit, melt some CBD chocolate and pour it into a baking sheet lined with wax paper. Then, throw in other ingredients such as pretzel pieces, nuts, marshmallows, or whatever you want to add to your CBD chocolate bark. Let it harden, then remove and break into pieces.

Make a Ganache

Using CBD chocolate to make a ganache for a dessert is another great way to utilize it. However, you don’t want to heat it above 350 degrees Fahrenheit because this can destroy the CBD, thus making it pointless.

Learn More About CBD Chocolates and All You Can Do with Them

So, whether you’re interested in CBD for its medicinal effects or for the nice, relaxing feeling that CBD can give, we hope that this article has been helpful and will inspire you to continue researching CBD chocolate and more ways to use it in your dessert making!

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